Best Warwick build in League of Legends season 10

Here’s one of the best builds for Warwick in season 10. Easily one of League of Legends‘ most iconic jungle champions, Warwick has been popular since he was added in the early stages of the game. The champion has gone through a complete redesign changing his look and kit completely. But Warwick remains extremely powerful and […]

Best Garen build in League of Legends season 10

FOR DEMACIAAAA! As one of League of Legends’ oldest and most iconic champions, Garen has been a strong top lane champions since the game’s inception. While he hasn’t always been the most played, his strength has been consistent throughout the years. Garen’s kit allows him to sustain a large amount of damage while also chasing down and […]

Labrov and Mac named rookie and coach of 2020 LEC Summer Split

Each of these awards were tightly contested this split. With the 2020 LEC Summer Split regular season now well over, Riot Games revealed today the League of Legends player it has officially honored as the best rookie of the split, as well as the coach who earned the title of being the best in the league. Labrov, the support […]