Check out all the champs and skins on sale this August! Like previous sales schedules, we’re not posting the exact dates for each champ and skin, but they’ll all be on sale sometime next month.

Just a heads up – since we’re publishing these in advance, we won’t offer partial refunds on champs and skins purchased before they go on sale.


Regularly Scheduled Sales:


Champion Sale Price Skin Sale Price
Anivia 395 Arclight Vel’Koz 675
Azir 487 Astronaut Teemo 675
Braum 487 Barbarian Sion 375
Caitlyn 440 Bilgewater Katarina 487
Corki 395 Bittersweet Lulu 487
Diana 440 Blight Crystal Varus 487
Draven 440 Commando Garen 260
Ekko 487 Commando Jarvan IV 260
Elise 487 Darkflame Shyvana 487
Fiora 440 Demolisher Nunu 487
Fizz 440 Dryad Soraka 260
Galio 395 Enchanted Galio 260
Gragas 395 Firefang Warwick 487
Heimerdinger 395 Fisherman Fizz 487
Jarvan IV 440 Galactic Nasus 260
Jayce 440 Haunted Zyra 675
Jinx 487 Hextech Janna 487
Kha’Zix 487 iBlitzcrank 675
LeBlanc 395 Justicar Aatrox 487
Lee Sin 440 Lunar Goddess Diana 487
Lucian 487 Musketeer Twisted Fate 375
Lulu 440 Nightblade Irelia 260
Morgana 292 Pentakill Karthus 375
Nami 487 Phoenix Quinn 487
Rek’sai 487 Pool Party Draven 487
Shaco 395 Pool Party Zac 675
Shen 395 Popstar Ahri 487
Sion 292 Rageborn Mundo 487
Sona 395 Resistance Caitlyn 260
Tahm Kench 487 Runeguard Volibear 487
Twitch 395 Siren Cassiopeia 260
Vayne 440 Spooky Gangplank 260
Vel’Koz 487 Sweeper Alistar 375
Viktor 440 Warden Nautilus 375
Yorick 440 Warlord Shen 487
Zed 487 Wild Card Shaco 375


Early Sales


Skin Price Sale Price
Blood Moon Twisted Fate 1350 975
Blood Moon Talon 1350 975
Blood Moon Jhin 1350 975

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