The jungler in League of Legends is a very important role and can be one of the most fun to play. Their job is to the jungle in the early game, which means they roam the jungle and farm minions instead of going to the lane. This allows them to get an early advantage by ganking other lanes and helping their allies get kills. The jungler can also set up ganks by placing wards in the right spots so they can ambush enemies. In the late game, the jungler is responsible for taking down the enemy’s carries and stopping them from getting kills. They need to be very strategic in their positioning and know when to fight and when to back off. Junglers are a very important part of any team and can make or break a game.

Best junglers currently

There are a lot of great jungler champions in League of Legends, but some of the best ones right now are Kha’Zix, Master Yi, and Warwick. They all have a lot of mobility and can easily gank enemies. Warwick is also very strong in the late game and can easily take down carries. Master Yi is incredibly fast and can easily take down enemies with his high damage output. Kha’Zix is very versatile and can adapt to any situation. These are just a few of the great jungler champions in League of Legends. If you want to win games, you need to have a good jungler on your team.

General strategy

For junglers, the best pathing in League of Legends is to always be aware of your surroundings and to take advantage of enemy mistakes. It’s also important to keep in mind the specific champions you’re playing against, as different champions require different strategies.

There are a few basic principles that all junglers should follow, regardless of the champion they’re playing. Firstly, always make sure you have enough health and mana to survive a fight. If you don’t have enough health, it’s best to avoid fights and wait for your health to regenerate. Secondly, take advantage of enemy mistakes. If an enemy overextends or makes a mistake, take the opportunity to kill them or set up a gank. Lastly, keep track of the enemy team’s movements and try to predict their next move. This will allow you to prepare for incoming ganks or counter-ganks.


There are a few basic routes that all junglers should learn. The first route is the standard route, which goes from the bottom lane to the top lane, and then back to the bottom lane. This route is generally the safest route, as it allows you to avoid most of the enemy team.

The second route is the ganking route, which goes from the bottom lane to the mid lane, and then to the top lane. This route is designed for ganking enemies who are out of position. It’s important to be careful when using this route, as you can easily get caught out if you’re not careful.

The third route is the counter-jungling route, which goes from the top lane to the bottom lane, and then back to the top lane. This route is designed for stealing enemy camps and denying them farm. It’s important to be careful when using this route, as you can easily get caught out if you’re not careful.

What is the best jungle route?

There is no single answer to this question as it depends on the situation. However, there are a few general tips that can help you choose the best jungle path.

First, you need to take into account the enemy team’s composition. If they have a lot of tanky champions, you may want to focus on taking down their jungler first. This will give your team an advantage in fights and make it easier to take down objectives.

Second, you need to consider your own team’s composition. If you have a lot of damage dealers, you may want to focus on taking down enemy turrets. This will give your team a better chance of winning fights and taking objectives.

Third, you need to think about what objective you are trying to take. If you are trying to take an enemy turret, you may want to take a different path than if you are trying to take an enemy inhibitor.

Finally, you need to consider the enemy team’s position on the map. If they are grouped up together, you may want to take a different path than if they are spread out.

Taking all of these factors into account will help you choose the best jungle path. However, ultimately it is up to you to make the decision based on the situation.


There are a few basic ganking spots that all junglers should learn. The first spot is the mid lane, which is often the easiest lane to gank. The second spot is the top lane, which can be more difficult to gank but can often lead to better results. The third spot is the bottom lane, which can be difficult to gank but can often lead to kills or assists.

When ganking, it’s important to remember a few things. Firstly, always try to stay hidden until you’re ready to strike. This will allow you to take your enemy by surprise and increase your chances of getting a kill or assist. Secondly, always try to coordinate with your team before ganking. This will allow you to set up ambushes and increase your chances of success. Lastly, always try to be aware of the enemy’s positioning. If they’re grouped up, it’s often best to wait for them to split up before attacking. If they’re alone, you can often catch them off-guard and get an easy kill.


There are a few ways to counter jungle an opponent, but the most effective way is to use wards. Place wards in key locations around the map so you can see when your opponent is trying to invade your jungle. This will allow you to react quickly and kill them before they can do too much damage.

Another way to counter jungle is to steal their buffs. This can be done by killing the mobs in their jungle and taking their buff for yourself. This will give you a significant power advantage over your opponent. Finally, you can simply outplay your opponent by being more efficient in your own jungle and denying them kills. If you can do this, you will quickly take over the game.

Best items

There are a few mythic items that are perfect for junglers in League of Legends. The first is the Guinsoo’s Rageblade, which increases Ability Power and Attack Speed with each stack. This makes it an excellent choice for champions who rely on their abilities to deal damage, such as Lee Sin and Kha’Zix.

Another great option is the Nashor’s Tooth, which increases Attack Speed and Mana Regeneration. This item is perfect for champions who need to be able to spam their abilities as much as possible, such as Xin Zhao and Master Yi.

Finally, the Trinity Force is an excellent choice for any jungler. It provides Attack Damage, Ability Power, and Critical Strike Chance, making it a great all-around choice for champions who need to deal damage both physically and magically.

These are just a few of the many mythic items that are perfect for junglers in League of Legends. So make sure to experiment with different combinations to find what works best for you and your champion.

Being a good jungler

A good jungler in League of Legends is someone who can efficiently clear the jungle camps, gank enemies, and help their team secure objectives. They need to be able to adapt to various situations and make quick decisions in order to be successful. Some of the most important qualities for a jungler are Map awareness, Timing, and Mechanics.

Map awareness is essential for a jungle, as they need to keep track of all the actions taking place on the map in order to make strategic decisions. This includes knowing when lanes are pushed or when an enemy is missing from their lane. Timing is also important, as a jungler needs to know when to make a play and when to wait for the right opportunity. Mechanics are crucial for clearing camps and ganking enemies. A jungler who can easily take down minions and champions will be more successful in the jungle.

To be a good jungler, you need to have good communication with your team and be able to work well together. You also need to be willing to take risks and make plays that may not always work out. Finally, you need to be patient and always be looking for ways to improve your game. If you can do all of these things, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a great jungler in League of Legends.


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