It blew everyone away.

League of Legends fans just can’t stop impressing the community. After someone delivered an amazing Cho’Gath cosplay yesterday, another fan shared their vision for a potential visual update to Janna today.

Reddit user shared the artwork created by Natalia “Verauko” Trykowska, an illustrator and concept artist. In this fan-made art, Janna looks like a goddess who’s come to bless the mortals of Runeterra. The overall color theme, a combined hue of gold, white, and a couple of dashes of cyan and dark blue, fits her perfectly. And the artist wanted to show what it’d look like for wind to shape itself in a human form where Janna’s chest would be.

Image via Natalia Trykowska

This visual update seems to completely change the dynamic of Janna from a poor girl who presents the weather news to a Marvel movie lead. The artwork raised a lot of divided opinions on the League subreddit, though. Some fans shared their delight for how majestic the skin looks, while others said they prefer the current simple, human-like design.

Janna joined the League roster in September 2009. Although she’s received a lot of changes over the years, the base idea behind her kit has basically remained the same.

Her kit most likely wouldn’t fit the overall theme of the fan-designed skin. But Riot is notorious for taking inspiration from such artwork, so the devs could potentially release a futuristic Janna skin, especially with the PsyOps skin line just around the corner.

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