Hello everyone and welcome to another summary of the Riot’s /dev blog pos, regarding Competitive Gameplay Changes. This one is quite large so we included only the most important information in this one. Without further ado, let’s begin!

Where Behaviral Systems is Now

In Riot’s latest Behavioral Systems update, Codebear called out dodge and AFK penalties as the main focus areas and promised follow-up information in mid-July, aka the current post. With the recently shared update on dodge penalties and soon-to-be-released post about AFK penalties, this one will be about the Client’s side Detection and Penalties.

Detection and Penalties

“Reduce the frequency of disruptive behavior”

Harm Mitigation

“Reduce the impact of disruptive behavior on other players”

Where Competitive Gameplay is now

Codebear stated that ranked experience has seen significant improvement since the last preseason. Across the board, 99% of ranked matches pair opposing teams that average within half a division of each other, and teammates themselves are within ~1 division of each other.


“Improve queue Competitive Gameplay Matchmaking quality without compromising queue time or availability”


“Improve progression satisfaction and skill expression in our systems”

Competive Gameplay Rewards

“Make rewards more recognizable and relevant for time spent in League”

Whew, this was a big one. We hope we’ve succeeded in our attempt to compress this to post to the most valuable information only. Hope to see you soon in the next /dev post!

You can read the full article on the League of Legends Official website.

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