League of Legends Patch 10.2 Notes – LoL News

Patch 10.2 Notes

[ad_1] Hi friends, what’s up? How are your resolutions holding up? Do you really think you’ll be able to get out of Silver this year? I hope so! Speaking of climbing the ladder, we encourage all of y’all to get your placements done sooner than later! Clash will be launching later this year, and we […]

League of Legends Patch 10.3 notes – LoL News

Patch 10.3 notes

[ad_1] Hi friends! These patch notes are very big. Look at all our bugfixes. Look at Prestige Edition Senna. Look at the Akali work. Look at what they did to my girl. Look at the buffs to jungle! And maybe even most importantly, we got some amazing VFX updates this patch for some of our […]

League of Legends Patch 10.4 Notes – LoL News

Patch 10.4 Notes

[ad_1] Hello to everyone except those who aren’t my friend. Before we dive into the patch changes, a quick PSA– patch 10.4 will not be going live until February 20 due to the holidays! In this patch, we’re breaking top Sona and Soraka since they’re grossly overpowered in the lane. Additionally, we’re making larger changes […]

League of Legends Patch 10.5 notes – LoL News

Patch 10.5 notes

[ad_1] Hi. This patch, we’re addressing the “zero-CS-top-lane” problem in a more systematic way to squash similar situations in the future. Sona and Soraka were just the tip of the iceberg of the hypothetical “zero-CS-top-lane” playstyle, so we’re making larger changes to the top lane that should remove such strategies from showing up in the […]

League of Legends Patch 10.6 notes – LoL News

Patch 10.6 notes

[ad_1] Hello children of the earth. In this patch, we welcome the arrival of the new, trickier Wukong, and an update to the matchmaking system so that less games have an unbalanced amount of Autofilled players. The details are a lot more interesting than the broad explanation I can give up here, so head below […]

League of Legends Patch 10.7 notes – LoL News

Patch 10.7 notes

[ad_1] Hello my children, welcome to 10.7! First of all, we know we’ve been crowing about it for awhile, but now it’s finally here—the spookiest of all the scarecrows in the land is back! (and Tedrick is nowhere to be found…) We’ve also continued to work on matchmaking in Ranked Solo/Duo games by aiming to […]

League of Legends Patch 10.8 Notes – LoL News

Patch 10.8 Notes

[ad_1] Hey all you cool Jeweled Protectors and Hushtails! This patch, we’ve got another follow-up to the funnel mechanics and a couple of wider jungle changes that should help with pacing, mainly around early game impact. We’re slightly reducing how much a gank will punish an enemy, and giving junglers a steadier stream of XP […]

League of Legends Patch 10.9 notes – LoL News

Patch 10.9 notes

[ad_1] Greetings, fellow gamers. Welcome to 10.9 and the last legs of Ranked Split! To begin with, we’re bringing champions like Nami and Karthus down a peg—we’ve been closely monitoring them for a while, and they’ve been standing out in their success, so we’re hoping this will shuffle them back in line. We’re also looking […]

League of Legends Patch 10.10 notes – LoL News

Patch 10.10 notes

[ad_1] Another patch! Who would’ve known! This patch, we’re taking a gander at some old friends who have been struggling for a while—Udyr! Nidalee! Sivir! How we’ve missed you!—and readjusting a couple of offenders that have been toeing the line (hint: trees, daggers, and gems). Oh, and URF is back! Make sure you’re on this […]

League of Legends Patch 10.11 notes – LoL News

Patch 10.11 notes

[ad_1] Hello, my dear starchildren. Before we get into it, we want to remind everyone that this patch will be going out a day later than usual. You may have already noticed seeing that the patch notes were also a day later, but for more information on the patch release schedule at any given time, […]